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Welcome to Cottage Grove from all of us here at the Cottage Grove Area Chamber of Commerce.

Whether visiting Cottage Grove, or a lifetime resident, it is obvious this town and its surroundings are very special. With two rivers, two lakes, waterfalls, and nature trails...outdoor activities abound. Our historic downtown, museums, and covered bridges offer historical activities and shopping. But it's the people who make Cottage Grove a truly magical place. So, again, welcome.

Plan Your Stay

One of Cottage Grove's strengths is its diverse business community. For a small town, there is a wide range of products and services available. From restaurants and theaters to auto parts and books... Cottage Grove has it all.

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Mark Your Calendar

There are so many things to do in Cottage Grove, and not nearly enough time to do it all. So, we put this calendar together to help as much as possible. Start planning today!

If there is an event you see missing, go ahead and submit it. We want this calendar to be a valuable source of information for both visitors and residents.

Upcoming Events

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